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      How to Cause The Virgin Birth of Mirror Coincidence


"In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word WAS GOD" 

John 1:1


Isis, The Serpent Goddess, was considered The Word by the Egyptians.  Sirius A is considered Isis -- she is a Serpent Goddess, because shedding bodies of each incarnation is comparable to shedding skin...the snakes do appear to be dead, such as I have at times.  


Osiris, the Soul....Horus....the Spirit.  What is being said in code is this

"In the Beginning was Isis,

and Isis was with God, The Pharaoh, and Isis WAS God, the Pharaoh".   


How did this come about?  I personally believe that Nefertiti parted ways with Akhenaton, who acted as if making the decision for abandon the truth, and return to the religion of the Bullshit God of the expired age of Taurus -- it was a cause of major upheaval.  What researchers on this do not get is that Aries comes with Libra....every Age has its Descedant -- Aries is an outlaw, Libra is.....the balance, the perfection.....the truth.  The Age of Aries being initiated meant something that didn't sit well with the dark side of the situation.   The Initiaition of the Age of Aries would mean the end of authoritarian systems.   


Precessional Astrology is key to understanding the truth behind history and religion....and, on another page -- I will elaborate about the meaning of encountering you as a Dragon should be pissed off "Drag Queen" is meant to sub for Dragon Queen -- because America, is about what happened in Egypt - and, I am here to make sure that -- when it seems that there shall be no opposition to the stupidity which is intended to be the realization of America, according to her natal chart.....I can do anything, you know.  I am No, I got out of the second dimension no sweat.  


A nation of autistic kleptomaniacs, taking everything literally and at face value.  No One is the Lizard King......No One Can do anything......anything.  When I died on June 25th 1876, the name "Crazy Horse" returned to Dad......I never surrendered, never stopped fighting......


Chrystya killed Custer, and won the battle for America....and it was stolen, with the usual use of what is appropriate - the identity of the victor.  In the Beginning -- you could have been there with us.  It wasn't just about was about seeing you as Dragon Queen.....same deal as a Serpent Goddess.  


In the Beginning was Nefertiti, who was Isis by birth and also Isis to the nation of Egypt, a Fertility Goddess (too sexy for the Bible) and Nefertiti, who was Isis and the Living Word of the Book of Life was with Akhenaton, who was God.  In those days, the pharaoh was God.


And Nefertiti, who was Isis by birth and to the people of Egypt, WAS God. How the hell did that happen?  


I am the first to decode this, as far as I know.  Ralph Ellis wrote a book "Eden in Egypt" which is about Akhenaton and Nefertiti.  They were total nudists, by the way -- really misunderstood by researchers......who think Akhenaton was some psychopath or something, but......Ray Manzarek visited me and told me that he is "Ray, the Egyptian Sun God who likes to play with his organ" -- he was trying to get a smile out of me, he knew I wasn't very happy with things -- and, he informed us - his other clue, that he was married to Chrystya before...this is why he made a beeline for us when he died, and....found me also.  What was actually going on here -- Nefertiti and Akhenaton were infamous for having all images of the gods destroyed.


Worshipping images of gods is STUPID. Chrystya told me, before I ever showed her a picture of Nefertiti "I had a weird head" -- oh my fucking god, what? "Ray the Egyptian Sun God Who Likes To Play with his organ" was his way of saying, you know....when I was alive I was obsessed with Akhenaton and told people I was him, and Jim was Dionysus!!!  Holy fuck.....I know something hilarious about history -- and I'm telling this for a few reasons.  You could have been Nefertiti's daughter.  She had six male heir.  This really pissed of Akhenaton, apparently.   Oh.....and he clued me in on this one....this is where I began.  I was considered the incarnation of Sekhmet -- not Goddess of War, more like Pretty Boy of War.....Sekhmet drank a LOT of alcohol.  High Priest of Heliopolis and Army commander - and professional nudist.  


This is what I have to deal with - I remember being Tuthmoses.  The Golden Calf incident, ever heard of it?  It was "Aaron and Moses" (yeah, I know) -- code for Akhenaten and Tuthmoses -- Akhenaton had reverted to the Bullshit God -- the age of Taurus had long expired, and whatever the word for Bullshit was in Egypt -- that was it...the Bullshit God.  


Going with the Age of Aries was about saving the people from falling out of rhythm with the cosmic order.....which is absolutely essential.  This shit is happening again.....the Egyptian Bullshit God is the God of the Bible - is UNDEAD, and it preserves itself by making the second dimension the center of gravity -- which is BULLSHIT.  


When Aries is the Precessional Age, the descedant will be Libra -- Aries and Libra are the two signs which say FUCK YOU, YOU ARE DONE!!! To authoritarian hierarchies.  Aries -- is the Cardinal Outlaw Fire and Libra --- is the balance between two very, very important signs of the Zodiac......


Cancer and Capricorn -- which are your Ascendant and Descendant -- I think you might go back with us that far, after are the only person on planet Earth having the likes of me tell you this.  The fucking guy on Antique's Roadshow has some book about magic that is signed "Merry Christmas, Jimmy Morrison" -- and the host is all like 'wow, I'd love to have a beer with you sometime!  Big fan!"  People go nuts about me for some reason, I don't get it.....I think it has something to do with the time they put my penis on trial like I was Oderus Urungus.  


If only I could have just whipped it out and made the hole go "come on come on touch me babe, can't you see that I am stuck in Dade, county with these name is Jimmy, and you can see why I am not a police officer, they call me Mr. Elephant Dick!"  I was going to die anyway, but.....oh, I know why.  


I was scared shitless of something....and right here, is a fine example of being willing to endure anything for the sake of love.....not the band with Arthur Lee...apparently I thought they were cool for some reason....probably because I thought I was black, or at least tried to pretend I was.  


Unpleasant fact about Jim Morrison which I can wriggle out of....and, I could really use Dave Chapelle on this one.  "Back when I was a Lakota Warrior that was half white, you racist Indian Seventh Generation Twats, I was the whitest Injun on the battlefield....and not only that, I was the Pretty Boy of War, as is usual.  Well.....He Dog and I learned from some traders that we were buying weapons from .....that there was a certain magic word that -- if you say it at the Buffalo Soldiers, they will get so, so mad......they could hardly load their rifles and couldn't shoot worth a damn, soon as I rode by with my ass pointed at them, farted a tangible battle fart at them and yelled "FUCK YOU, NIGGER!!! YOU CAN'T SHOOT BECAUSE YOU'RE A BUNCH OF FUCKING NIGGERS!!! HEY, PRETTY WHITE BUFFALO...COME OVER HERE!!!  ANY OF YOU NIGGERS EVER BEEN SHOT AT BY A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN THAT I FUCK ALL THE TIME WHO CALLS YOU NIGGERS!  




Just because a guy is black, wouldn't mean he couldn't realize this was some funny shit.  I can remember things.  So.....and, by the way -- since there is no death...I ain't referring to myself as a "him" -- I did that.  I would get extremely drunk on Bushmills, and then stand out in the middle of the street -- doing my best to be so fucking misunderstood it hurts my heart to think of it -- Jim Morrison was NOT screaming "NIGGERS" at everyone and throwing himself in front of moving cars, rolling off the windshield and getting up and screaming "NIGGER!" at the guy who stopped to say "what the fuck, prick!!  Oh, my god!  Can I get your autograph?" 


"Sure!"  I would autograph whatever it was he a dollar or a napkin from a restaurant "Sorry I broke your windshield, your car is a nigger by the way....Jim Morrison" 


"Gee, thanks!! Sort of...could you sign the crack on my windshield?" 


"Yeah!!!! Hey, I'll go buy you a new car, fuck your, you'll cut your weener off...better off boning the tailpipe, that's what I do when I'm lonely behind the police station!....gimme a sledgehammer and we'll pretend its a Buick!"   


Then, I probably would go buy the guy a car, and he'd have his weird ass  story.  I can't for the life of me figure out just why in the world it was supposedly true what Grace Slick said....that, in Hollywood in 1968 -- I was a pariah.  Ben Fong-Torres, editor of Rolling Stone back then....he was really gay, so he later told an audience that -- it was a rumor to build publicity that Grace slept with me.  Bulllshit, she snorted cocaine off of my boner.  She wanted to date me, but I could tell she had some childhood abuse issues to work out...and, the most likely reason we didn't get together is probably something about being drunk and yelling "Godddammit, this band SUCKS!  Where'd the Jefferson Airplane go?"


"Who invited Morrison?"  

"He fell through the skylight, like an angry ray of shoeshine"   A lot of them probably believed I truly meant it when I was screaming at the stop signs, or at a tree "NIGGERS!!!!"  But actually, that was Crazy Horse......actually, that is not even really true.  No One was screaming "Niggers!" and making everyone think Jim Morrison was an idiot from Mars....but, it was No was He Who Cannot Be Spoken was Nobody At All.....and I knew it.  Ray might say "Who the hell got you arrested for screaming racial slurs and embarrassing us this time, was it Babe?"


"It was No One, know what I mean, No One made me do it, No One Is Here.....and he just wants to let you know that once upon a time.....there were Buffalo Soldiers and they were even worse than the whites towards us, it was their opportunity to be the oppressors -- (When I take acid the same thing happens every time - I am the tip of one feather of The Eagle's Wing.......the Eagle in the Lightning, Wakinyan.  Music is magic, by the way....I have things worked out this time, fully intending to lead by example -- 






























"Jim was Crazy Horse" Ray informed me, as he referred to me as Jim....he planned this for a long time.  There is tyranny on other levels of reality -- he knew what I can do with very little info to go on.  Jim WAS Crazy Horse....meaning, I know that I knew....because I know what LSD does to me.....I remember being the tip of one feather of the Eagle's Wing.....Eagle in the Lightning, and there are other tips of his feathers in other faces, places and very well could be one.  It is Thunderbird Energy -- it is as if I have a thunderburden to carry....because, I can call the Thunderbird In...and, you should listen to Heyoka Rode.....a) so I can show off b) you know there is none other c) fuck everyone that said I didn't write songs because I didn't play an instrument?  The VOICE IS AN INSTRUMENT.  I couldn't write songs because of being really good looking -- when afflicted with being pretty, Oliver Stone said what was on all our minds -- how could he be talented unless he has A DAD inside!  That makes sense -- everyone knows how being pretty means that, other people take responsibility - they mean taking response ability - when not around, but - the power of words meeting weak minds is a thing to behold. 









This knowledge belongs to everyone.  What is happening right now, is a pathetic attempt to fulfill all required manifestations suggested by the natal chart of America, which I KNEW ABOUT THEN, it is 5:10 pm July 4th, 1776 Philadelphia, PA......and there is a reason why Marilyin Manbun and the ghouls who make him do things had him choose to cover "Five To One" -- 5:10 -- throw out the zero, it is 5:1 -- that song seemed to get me in trouble.  It refers to how we "get together, one more time......" the combination of being able to recall somethings, my instincts, pattern recognition, knowledge of psychological warfare tactics......there has been a lot going on...really, everything -- I can point out in the American is a map of destiny....clearly being used by people who just KNOW that there will be no sudden "from out of nowhere" checking off of every category, manifesting the highest is a spiritual war,  the origins go back to the time that Nefertiti became God.  


Marilyn Manbun also had the nerve to cover "The End" n-- even Ray and Robby knew it was sacred - they did their thing with Ian Astbury - and, "that's Jim's song" 




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