reality is royalty
In the beginning...
As the release date for “Jesus 2” approaches, I become more concerned….more horrified. Make stuff up, people will believe it is reel. The first "Passion of the Christ" was the worst movie I had ever seen at the time, reflecting Catholicism's bloodthirsty history, an addiction to cruel tortures and slaughter for its own sake. Often...the sequel is worse. The whole idea of it, that "Resurrection" or the Second Coming happens via film? What? Is the underlying message something about "and the world will see that Jesus will not appear to make us look foolish for doing this", like it's a "fulfillment of the Second Coming" that expects not to be contradicted by the Real Deal...and so onto the next thing.....Aquarius and an AI Deity? Expect the unexpected. Perhaps He will arrive from outer space with a whole squadron and then take over the planet, and using the Moon as a prison camp for everyone involved in the production of those films....and they will be filmed doing hard labor on the Moon.
Films are real because they are projections from the reel, I suppose. It is an actor pretending to be Jesus, ya know. The same can be said of the character in the New Testament, actually, considering what can be known about that thanks to the “King Jesus trilogy” by Ralph Ellis. Read it! What we are dealing with here should be called "fraudulent reincarnation", a definite and recognizable pattern.
We live in times where we can finally start to know the truth which underlies the Big Three Abrahamic religions which have shaped world history, still dominating the minds of humanity. It is all still influencing far too many people to look away from the ACTUAL spiritual world (this one), to another world that people wouldn’t expect to be the second dimension. The truth involves returning to the center of Being....in one's own center. That is a "return to the beginning". For so long, it has been all about becoming estranged from the center - so that what is missing can be found in an external substitution.
The death and resurrection of Jesus being films that want to act like they are the actual thing happening…seems to confirm this for me, regarding an intention to have people look away from reality and identify with the plane of unreality. As far as the "purely spiritual" so often advertised, this is impossible. Spirit is potential and idea, which will have no existence without matter or psyche.....or Goddess. God exists in synergy with Goddess, or Spirit with Matter. God in Heaven? Sorry, it turns out that non-existence was what was really being sought. Salvation from the horror of existence.....and so it goes, that the world became so much horror throughout the Dark Ages to make non-existence so much more desirable.
Yes, there certainly are realms beyond the physical, beyond death of the body, I’m sure…..but they are not “purely spiritual” – again - spirit is potential and idea…without the influence of Goddess (psyche and/or matter) there is nothing but the unmanifest potential, which amounts to absolutely nothing, non-existence.
A God who is purely spiritual, with no Goddess…..cannot exist, and has never existed outside of religious texts and the powerful human imagination, which can create a reality in accord with impossible ideas….but it turns out to be a reality that is “a Fall from grace”.....into the underworld of the second dimension. There are those who want to hold humanity back due to their own lack and incapacity, and always have been. "I am a Jealous God".
We are meant to, in these times, return to the beginning to uncover the roots of things and be transformed by what we learn. I will tell you of The Aton, introduced to the world at the time of The Dawn. ​I will tell you of the Bullshit God (metaphor), formerly the Bull God of the Great Age of Taurus, that refused to die out of sheer stubbornness, who was totally jealous of the New Idea of Aries which displaced him. The Apis Bull was done in three- dimensional space – or was he? Beyond expiration, the Bull became Bullshit....and found a way to hijack this world from the next one, the second dimension.
Certain energies and themes that go with it are out of rhythym with the cosmos when of an expired Precessional Age...and in the case of Taurus, yes.....whatever was of the Bull God, whatever Egyptian is for "bullshit god", I expect that would have been the popular taunt. It's pretty funny.
Words of the Bullshit God: “I am a Jealous God” (the toxic side of Taurus is jealousy, greed, horrifying stubbornness). “Thou shalt not have other Gods before me”…though precession runs in the other direction from how the zodiac is otherwise related to – it is correct to state that Aries is before Taurus, and so the Bullshit God is stating that He is Jealous of the Aries idea…..which was The Aton. All roads lead back to ancient Egypt. "Broke away from Egyptian influence for monotheistic revolution" my ass, underpinning the whole story is a situation in ancient Egypt which seems to have been utterly hijacked....and that was the actualization in the real world of the New Idea for the New Age of Aries....the Aton. Aries......Cardinal Fire of the sunrise, first sign. Actually, both the Age of Aries and Pisces are a "first sign" - for precession, it is Pisces which leads off a new cycle. Both the New Age of Aries and Pisces were "the beginning and the end", and were full of human misery. Pisces was worse?
An upsetting idea to many, it seems to be the reality that all roads do lead to Egypt – though it is supposed to be that all things Egyptian were abandoned by those who were “in captivity in a foreign land with a wicked pharaoh and those false gods” and that "monotheism" (cloak) was introduced to the world by these former slaves wandering the desert...sorry, that has all gotten really screwed up by this Information Age.
Moses appearing in the Bible? – appropriation of identity for the purpose of “reincarnating” on the second dimension a certain man who must have been an enemy of the authors if this has happened...that seems to be the pattern of the Bullshit God's bad habit of "reincarnation" of his enemies, "to become His slaves". His name was Tuthmoses. "Jesus, Last Of The Pharaohs" and "Eden In Egypt" by Ralph Ellis, will tell you all about it. Those books in particular are the foundation for where my mind has gone exploring for more.
Pattern recognition: things which have happened more recently reflect upon more ancient things – things which seem to be part of the same undeniable pattern. The way to deal with threats to the dominance of Unreality: appropriate the identity and idea of that threat, “reincarnate” whatever it was on the second dimension....this has occurred with presidents who have had disagreements with the bankers - they die (sometimes from assassination) and then their faces are printed on the money issued to the nation. Andrew Jackson on a twenty dollar bill.
The Bull God, becoming a Bullshit God at the onset of the Age of Aries…..I hope that catches on. Bullshit God? Yes….there is a Bull God that refused to die, from sheer stubbornness. Aries came as "an outlaw", particularly as the Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Tuthmoses crew. For some reason (likely rebellion against tradition), around the start of Akhenaton's reign, they were exiled to Nowhere, Egypt from Lower Egypt, and had to quickly build a new city with a new palace from which to rule. If the traditional thing is and was what it always was, which was a Master/Slave relationship between the ruling class and the general population, well...it is a leap of faith but I believe them to have had righteous intentions for this New Dawn. Moses wants Freedom for those enslaved (the Israelites) in the Torah. This should reflect back on the original situation...something about the cause of Freedom, somehow. "Well, in that case go be pharaoh anywhere else but here, you bastard". Something like that. That it seems people were worked to death doesn't necessarily make this untrue. The long range goal was just super important. So they built a city on rock n' roll or rolling rocks around and making bricks (hey, sounds like the complaints of the Israelites)....and Akhetaton was born....otherwise known as Amarna. The rule of the Royal Outlaws lasted five years....(add one more for Smenkhare).
It is important to note that characterization of Aries would be “the outlaw”, a bit of a "get out of my way if you don't like it" sign – when in a society with amnesia for what God and spirituality actually is such as ours, the manifestation of the polarity of Aries-Libra has been things like The Dillinger Gang vs the Legal System. Yes, the Legal System corresponds with Libra – the “scales of Justice” are present in every courtroom to let us know. They are the scales of Libra, my friend. Synergize the opposites...that is the way towards being "non-binary".
DUALISM! New Age goons will preach about overcoming duality with some trip about “oneness”, which is related to the Gnostic goal of “realizing the Oneness of Christ” yeah, whatever. "Jesus And The Lost Goddess" describes some schools who seem to get it right, including the Goddess (for anything to exist, God and Goddess unite, spirit wed with matter). Usually, when I hear anything about "spirituality" it is usually something about Oneness....yeah, well....I get the whole "Great Spirit in everything", but I have boundaries. I like having boundaries. People who have a poor concept of boundaries or who hate themslves (but don't admit it) really like Oneness. “Oneness” typically amounts to an idiotic idea for people who mask their self-avoidance with pretensions to being lofty and spiritual, and to avoid philosophical jargon here….those people are full of shit. Though "One Is All" -- there are boundaries. I know, irreconcilable paradox. "I'm like, really spiritual"....
"and physical"
Oneness is the stop just prior to non-existence, and people have a habit of referring to the Infinite Light as the place to go and “everything is illusion!” Yes, why show any regard for anything that actually exists when NON-EXISTENCE and UNMANIFEST POTENTIAL is IT! “Everything is Illusion!”
Oh…well, in that case what are boundaries? “Your boundaries are just your ego getting in the way of Truth”. That’s right! Like every creepy cult leader might say. If we are talking about the paradox of Oneness being at the same time Allness….yeah, there ya go. High five. Boundaries, infiinitely. The way out of "duality" is synergy - and it is the synergy of opposite poles of the zodiac, once the zodiac is realized as being ontological as well as astrological. In other words, it ain't FROM the skies, it is from us and from the Earth...strangely mirrored back at us by the skies.
The Aton - Aries...Aries can be the outlaw and Libra - the legal system. This dualism has certainly been a thing - and, finding that the scales of Libra hide in plain sight in any court....I wonder if it was equivalent to breaking the law what Akhenaton, Nefertiti and Tuthmoses perpetrated. Eventually made to renounce Atonism for Amenism with Tutankhamen - Amen being the Sun at Sunset - perhaps this was the situation. Amenism was tied up with established laws of the land, which were wanting to be broken...so "get outta here" and then they were too successful. If Amenists were as Libra demanding renunciation of Aries (Atonism), this is really interesting to think about. No synergy for you, Aton is busted. The outlaw vs. the legal system.
At this point, I want to admit to the reader: yes, I am serious about what I am saying and I do mean it. But, the only reason I began to write articles like this was due to the sorrow resulting from creating what I know is a high-quality album of a...studio band. I am at a loss about getting people to take notice of it and listen...so far, I have epically sucked at achieving that, and as one of those people who are capable of intense creativity which wows people....I am also at a loss in the world of "a normal career", in other words....it is all or nothing. I hope that you might stumble upon Tezcat Real....there, I admitted it. Check "SIDE A".
This is my best try to make sense of The Aton, that once "New Idea" introduced by Akhenaton to the world at The Dawn - when the New Age was Aries, and what it it supposed to be, originally. I doubt "Sun Disc", more like an outlaw sphere. A disc refers to a sphere from a flat surface.
As goes with Precessional Astrology, the royals tended to embrace the polarity (Libra) as well as the sign of the Age, in this case Aries....as it was that in the previous age, the Apis Bull was commonly known, while royals embraced Scorpio symbolism (Taurus-Scorpio) such as a concept like "Serpent Goddess". It all needs to come to the surface. So what does an Aries-Libra polarity look like when archetypes are together in synergy, rather than polarized opposition? The relationship of Nefertiti and Akhenaton.....there. Nefertiti seems to have had equal political influence....though that relationship soured when no male heir could be birthed. Six daughters? Akhenaton must have been pissed that sixth time!
Correspondent with Libra is “books” (writing) –another synergy of Aries – Libra would be the rebel attitude in the process of writing. The root cause of this venture is the actualization of what was known as The Aton and the revelation of the Undead Bullshit God. May it be that things become manifest in reality to supplant the positions held by things of Unreality. People will remain anchored in that Unreality and estranged from the center of Being until then. The center is where God lives, in synergy with Goddess. You are that microcosm of the macrosmic Being.
God/Goddess = Spirit/Matter. Nefertiti and Ahkenaton were both "incarnation of Goddess" and "incarnation of God" respectively.....as were Serpent Queen and Pharaohs in those days. The Master/Slave dynamic is underpinned as a total imbalance of Capricorn and Cancer, ontologically speaking. These are the two signs balanced by Libra. When this happens....Aries is also "ousted" in a polarized opposition. That is how to mangle the Cardinal Cross. If those Royal Outlaws of Amarna were trying to be living symbols of not only Aries - Libra together - it then brings into play the balance of Capricorn and Cancer. So, were they advocates for a New Age where there is no longer a world of Masters and Slaves? Is this the cause for an exile to Nowhere, Egypt for believing in such a thing?
It goes against what royals are supposed to be about....having a population to be Masters over. Perhaps Akhenaton believed he was trying to "save the world" and things didnt go the way he wanted. Rather backfired, actually. Something to ponder. The onset of the Age of Aries WAS The Dawn! From Cardinal Fire comes the balancing of all Cardinal Signs - for it must have been known to them, the ONTOLOGICAL nature of the zodiac - not merely astrological. All that is the masculine spiritual to the feminine material, is Light exploding from the center of an imagined sphere, through 12 functions. The Aton, a Solar Disc? No....that is simply a sphere communicated via flat plane. The Aton, possibly the entire Sphere of God with the 12 functions? Something to think about.
Recognize Aries – Libra duality underlying expressions that look like “outlaws vs. legal system” or “self” vs. “others” – and there is a way out of duality through synergy of underlying universal archetypes. There is something far more powerful than synergy of a rebellious guy involved with writing – for writing is something which lands in the second dimension, isn’t it? There are a lot of problems with the second dimension, or "the other world". Sound, on the other hand, vibrates three-dimensional space.
This idea can be actualization of THE ATON – it can be “music of fiery rock band playing” that is in synergetic harmony with the listener's hearing. Aries is Cardinal Fire – Libra is cardinal air. The two of them together will synergize in the moment of sound happening – particularly a pretty good rock n roll band (I like saying rock n roll, it makes me sound like I’m 80) reaching the ears of – you, whoever you may be. Are not the ears balanced on the scales of Libra? Sound is AIR – caused by FIRE (electricity). Synergize – and this is true, that the scales of Libra are to balance Capricorn (the world detected by five senses, the so-called “objective”) and Cancer – the inner life of feeling and subjective experience…..what brings the cardinal cross together but good music? Tezcat Real? Yes? Maybe?
Welcome to the crossroads of Now
The zodiac is ontological. This article has given a key that might unlock the doors shutting us in an imbalanced world – for underlying this civilization as it is, it is as if the ontological cardinal cross is way out of balance, and in a two-dimensional condition where polarization and opposition occurs rather than synergy. The mind is "two-dimensional" when taking things at face value, only skimming the surface.
Libra as sound: I mentioned that the legal system hides the scales of Libra in plain sight. What is a trial? The hearing. The judge delivers a SOUND JUDGEMENT. Think on that.
Returning to the Bullshit God one more time before this article comes to its end, it is this author’s view that “In the beginning” (when the word was with god and the word was god) – there was a theological dispute between followers of Taurus, a Precessional Age which had just expired, the New Agers of their time were the followers of Aries. Reality no longer supporting the Bull God, that which is "Taurus" and would not "step aside" likely began to become toxic – Jealousy, Greed, Stubbornness – yes. Making the Bull God go away is no easy task. Too stubborn, and Jealous of The New Idea – the Aton of Aries. What was BULL was now simply BULLSHIT – hence, THE BULLSHIT GOD WAS BORN.
"I am a Jealous God".
Without a place for an expired Bull God in reality, a “reincarnation” happened – dying in the real world, to realize a new kind of existence that is anchored in two-dimensional space – which aligns with two-dimensional thought, which is polarization and opposition rather than synergy of opposites.
REINCARNATION OF THE BULL GOD, A JEALOUS GOD – THE BULLSHIT GOD! What is important to consider, is that in any Precessional Age – the Sign of the Age will inspire the Deity given to the people to worship, while the rulers embrace the polarity – which in the case of Taurus, is Scorpio. The Age of Taurus lasted 2700 years, and it was likely that during this time that the notion of Serpent Goddess and Serpent Queen came to be – for THE SNAKE is the symbol of Scorpio – particularly the aspect of Scorpio which corresponds with the idea of REINCARNATION!
We can reverse-engineer the situation, for what can be observed in modern times reflects what happened in ancient times – because it must be that the pattern stays the same. The situation is atavistic.
What is the REINCARNATION and TRANSFORMATION idea to amount to regarding what was previously said? Reincarnation occurring in the world of unreality, which is anchored in the second dimension….the pages of a book, which read “I am a Jealous God” (Taurus) “Thou shalt not have other gods before me”. In precessional astrology, the movement through the signs runs backwards relative to normally – which is that Aries comes before Taurus. “gods before me” refers to Aries – the Aton, and those Royal Outlaws who introduced The Aton to the world….Akhenaton, Nefertiti/Smenkhare, and Tuthmoses. “Moses” – comes from Tuthmoses – High Priest of Heliopolis and Army Commander, the older brother of Akhenaton and the actual rightful pharaoh who refused the position.
Powerful evidence for my position: the pope’s throne room. What are we looking at here? The Pope’s throne room is a serpent’s head. It appears that the Pope is seated between the fangs of the serpent – which would make him equivalent to, oh…..how about “the snake’s tongue”? The snake is a symbol referring to Scorpio – so that is being symbolized here. The rulers embrace the polarity – while the people are given the sign of the Age to worship. For Taurus – how about y’all WORSHIP MONEY!!! Money is two-dimensional. Our civilization is all about converting everything into money – which is to say, reincarnating things into money. The Bullshit God still reigns.
The snake’s head symbolizes the latest “reincarnation”, whereas the snake’s entire body symbolizes the timeline of all incarnations into a singular entity….for they are the same Being, incarnating again and again. What would be the bane of the Bullshit God – if the polarity is a snake, referring to the “reincarnation” associated with Scorpio? That realization of immortality through “reincarnation” would take place in reality – a person coming back to continue with what was done before – actualizing what is truly meant by the Osiris-Isis-Horus trinity – it is about “reincarnation” (we need a different word to separate the truth from the reincarnation happening in Unreality).
With that said, think about these idiot films “the Passion” and part 2, the “resurrection” (facepalm). The Pope is a "reincarnation" of someone in particular here – according to the symbolism. That is supposed to a (truly creepy) statue of Jesus behind the pope – Jesus, as if trapped in CHAOS…rather than being part of the order of Cosmic Intelligence. Chaos is a sort of "freedom" - freedom from peace, order, stuff like that. Chaos.....seems to suggest some kind of contempt? See the contempt expressed in "The Passion Of The Christ" (for outdoing women in regard to childbirth. Women are weak because they scream and cry.....Jesus just endures his pain quietly! What a hero!)
According to the book “Jesus and the Lost Goddess” by Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy – Jesus and Moses were mystical allegories and equivalent to each other, when taken as allegories. Moses was Jesus of the OT, Jesus was Moses of the NT. Thanks to Ralph Ellis we can know the truth about Moses – he was Tuthmoses, the older brother of Akhenaton and Nefertiti – those who introduced The Aton to the world..the Royal Outlaws of the New Age of Aries, The Dawn.
The Pope's throne room reflects something I wholeheartedly believe – it regards how Nefertiti compensated for what went wrong with Akhenaton, (there was a huge rift, probably due to her inability to give a male heir) – and it was very bad, as they were the symbols that would inspire a new era – they were likely conscious of this at the time. She dropped the throne name ‘Nefertiti” and became the Pharaoh herself…which is something incredible to think about. This woman was hailed as the Incarnation of the Serpent Goddess Isis, and was Serpent Queen Nefertiti. So on a symbolic level, the Goddess stepped up to become the Pharaoh, who was considered the Incarnation of God on Earth – the polarity with the Queen being hailed as the incarnation of the Goddess.
Moses/Jesus and Jesus/Moses -- is that also Moses, or Tuthmoses behind the Pope -- in chaos? Was Tuthmoses an advocate for freedom from enslavement? "Let my people go!" The actual and totally offensive to Christians Jesus who led the Jewish Revolt advocated for freedom...from paying tribute to Rome. Rome was THE ENEMY of King Jesus. The Warrior King who fulfilled the role of an anticipated political Messiah....who failed, and everyone hated him. Chaos is a kind of freedom. Rome was the ENEMY of Jesus. Isn't that special? "The Passion" with Jim Caviezel seems to reflect a powerful urge to punish Jesus severely, don't you think?
Exodus tells us that “Moses upheld the Brazen Serpent” – which was supposed to be a staff which depicted a Serpent on a Cross. Actually – I believe it was that (Tuth)Moses upheld (supported) the Brazen Serpent Queen – for if she was anything, she was brazen. What is the snake on a cross about, anyway? The cross refers to the human body – outstretch your arms in a “Jesus pose” like Jim Morrison and find out that you are the cross. Incarnation in the human body is a “crucifixion” for the soul – the cross symbolizes the body, and the snake? The immortal traveler through so many bodies....the “reincarnation" idea. (Tuth)Moses upheld the Brazen Serpent (Queen), an immortal soul in her current incarnation, the former Queen Nefertiti become the Pharaoh Smenkhare – who did something incredible.
She became the Great Symbol of the Age of Aries – a solitary individual (a daughter was made Queen for political reasons, it was clear she was really a two for one deal). She married the poles of Aries and Libra – a solitary individual, but a relationship also (Libra) – of Goddess and God. Both in one. Already this is enough to piss of a lot of mysogynists that must have been nearby - if the misogyny of the Old Testament is any kind of reflection on this situation, which it is.
This information about Smenkhare is hardly known – and I suppose this is my task to communicate this, because for some reason I really tune into this stuff and have insight that can really add to what has already become realized. She was already hailed as the Goddess Isis by the people. What is also very obscure is that, according to Ralph Ellis in “Eden In Egypt” the family name of this woman who was both Nefertiti and Smenkhare (certain of it), was none other than Isis...this seems to be the name she was given at birth. Incredible. Have you heard? America is at war with ISIS. Everyone, take that at face value! Good job! Just kidding, stop being a bunch of autistic kleptomaniacs.
Autistic Kleptomania - a sometimes fatal condition which causes a person to take everything literally.
WOW. Isis, Smenkhare.
So if she was Isis by public reputation and also Isis in private amongst her family, she ALSO managed to be a symbol of balance between the two signs that Libra is meant to keep in balance – Capricorn and Cancer. Capricorn refers to public reputation and Cancer refers to private life, family life. A female pharaoh being a living symbol of God and Goddess as one, as well as the balance of the cardinal cross? I suspect the concept of an ontological zodiac was known to Smenkhare and Tuthmoses.
Again, this Brazen Serpent (Goddess Isis) managed to step up to become God/Pharaoh and be God/Goddess in one individual presenting The Aton of The Dawn, brilliantly symbolizing the synergy of Aries-Libra – and also balancing Capricorn and Cancer, establishing at The Dawn amongst others who most likely were a lot more interested in a deliberately imbalanced world that tends to Master/Slave stuff. "What the hell is this bitch doing?" may have been a common reaction. I can see an influence behind this "evil pharaoh" that was reviled so much by the "captive slaves". In Exodus, it is said that Moses was able to meet with this pharaoh rather easily. I wonder why.
As Smenkhare, she symbolized the balanced harmony of the Cardinal Cross......and if so, the conditions for a New World that will not have slavery of any kind. Perhaps that was the idea. Being born into a royal family wouldn't necessarily mean that a person would be in agreement with everything around them. Perhaps there was contempt, and then the opportunity to do something about that contempt of royals for a world which allows for such a situation. Why not? Royal Outlaws.
That “Jesus in chaos” is more likely Tuthmoses, who would have been the power behind the throne during the brief reign of Smenkhare. The symbolism of the Pope’s throne room seems to assert that I am correct in my analysis....the giant snake head, symbolising Scorpio - polarity of a Bullshit God...."I am a Jealous God" of the Aton, who probably had it out for Tuthmoses and Smenkhare really bad. Is the Vatican also communicating something else?
If that is Tuthmoses (Moses) - then, this leads to recognizing what the Pope wants to be. A pretty lady sitting on a throne, Isis perhaps. Jesus/Moses in one statue, getting his freedom. Chaos is a kind of freedom.
Read the “King Jesus” trilogy by Ralph Ellis, for he accomplished the incredible, inevitable and what was believed to be impossible - he found the actual Jesus Christ, which the New Testament story is a REINCARNATION of – Bullshit God style. He was, contradictory to the official timeline, the instigator and leader of the Jewish Revolt, which destroyed Jerusalem. It was the Jewish traitor and historian, Josephus Flavius, who was hired by Rome to write the guy out of history. After the destruction of Jerusalem, everyone wanted to have him be forgotten. "Jesus, everyone hates me" he said to himself.
Up to that point of revolution, he was fulfilling the expectations of the Jews for a political Messiah to appear, a Warrior King to liberate the Jews from the domination of Rome. What is the basis for the claim to “King of the Jews?” It appears that it was actually proclaimed by this Warrior King – that he was the “King of the Jews”. Relative to the symbolism in the Pope’s throne room – which seems to be making Jesus and Moses (Tuthmoses) one and the same person, I wonder, did the actual King Jesus (King of Edessa become High Priest of Jerusalem) claim his right to the “King of the Jews” title….by letting on that, he was the next incarnation of the soul who was Moses? His family line were direct descendents of Akhenaton to start….which would have been supporting evidence. He was in his time believed to be that Great King and Messiah of the New Age – and then the Revolt failed, everyone hated him. The Romans destroyed Judea – and, Bullshit God being behind the scenes – Jesus was reincarnated and appropriated “Bullshit God” style, via the polarity of Scorpio.
The Pope's throne room....all hail the Bullshit God and His billions and all His gold, and all his pretty statues, idols and icons!
This is true about King Jesus (Christ being a Greek word which means "King")– and itt is a subject that, when presenting the undeniable and totally convincing evidence, people do not want to know about it, close their eyes and ears, or they get hostile and abusive. Some people will deny anything. People just don’t want to hear about it, that the Jesus they are used to was created by the very enemies of Jesus – Rome. The punishment for those who threaten the might of Rome is to be “reincarnated” as a SLAVE of Rome....on the second dimension, which is considered FEMININE to the third dimension, masculine relatively....in the same way the 4th dimension of time is masculine to the third...an important principle to know about if there ever was. That’s what Christianity is the symbolic enslavement of a rebel warrior king – the Warrior King Messiah who let everyone down. When there is a change of gender from masculine to feminine - there is a polarity flip. A Blood Royal, a Warrior King, becomes a peasant and pacifist....he doesn't fight back, he just takes it....(take that women who scream and cry during childbirth! Yeah!) The Passion for outdoing women, giving "spiritual birth" to mankind. There is no purely spiritual world.
Jesus doesn't love you, by the way. Anyone who can be totally distanced from feeling like that - is distanced from feeling. Love is feeling. A person who has no self-regard and just accepts abuse, cannot have regard for someone else. Love begins with not hating yourself so much. Jesus Christ, people. Rome hates Jesus, that much is clear.
King Jesus was considered totally at fault for bringing the end of the world to Jews when Roman soldiers decimated them. This is the ACTUAL reason the Jews do not acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. “The guy who is responsible for the destruction of Jerusalem and our dispersion and being sold into slavery? Yeah, I don’t think so”.
Is it Tuthmoses AND Jesus represented by that awful statue? Jesus, taken at face value, but on a deeper level – Moses aka Tuthmoses? If that is the case, then the Pope is meant to be – an impostor, posing as the incarnation of the Serpent Goddess, who was once Smenkhare – and possibly blown back as Mary Magdalene (King Jesus’ sister-wife)?
Look – here is a “man” who is famous for being representative of God – while at the same time, hiding in plain sight to a world that “lacks eyes to see” as a false Goddeaa. It seems that he is representative of God AND, symbolically, a Serpent Goddess at the same time….which points us to Smenkhare. The Pope is an impostor, claiming to be something like the current incarnation of ancient Egypt's Smenkhare. Wow. The snake head, greater Goddess...and Pope, human incarnation. Again, who represented God and Goddess simultaneously? Smenkhare/Isis.....formerly Nefertiti. The symbolism is pointing at The Dawn.
Tuthmoses was the power behind the throne of Smenkhare, once Akhenaton was out of the picture. Is this what is going on here? We hear all about “False gods” (how about Jim Caviezel)…but nobody notices a FALSE GODDESS. What I am pointing out here reflects what I am claiming about what Isis accomplished, actualizing The Aton in the guise of Smenkhare – which more deeply realized was a symbol of balance between all cardinal signs, triggered by Aries – and remember, the zodiac is ontological – the Spirit projects into the world through 12 functions – it is imperative for a balanced world that the archetypes of the Cardinal Signs be brought into conscious awareness and embraced.....ignorance of the ontological or inner zodiac has led to so much occult manipulation.
What the Pope’s throne room is reflecting to us affirms a pattern about what is done with a threat, which would be the authentic happening of what impostors have appropriated. As well – it is reflecting back to us the truth about what happened at The Dawn – for the New Precessional Age of Aries truly was The Dawn. Aries corresponds with the sunrise, where Libra corresponds with the sunset.
The Aton at The Dawn can be brought into reality again, rescued from impostors who have made of a Sphere – a Sun Disc. The Aton is Aries, allright – for it takes an outlaw (Aries) to be so brazen as to be a symbol for all the world of FREEDOM....or at least all these years later, should others take up this notion. To establish something in reality - the world has a kind of memory, and hey....linear time is an illusion we experience, anyway. What was influences what shall be. Somehow, the Cosmos will acknowledge and whatever is built on lies will no longer be sustainable. I'm a dreamer, I know.
According to the symbol of what she was – Tuthmoses and Nefertiti/Smenkhare/Isis truly were Royal Outlaws who recognized the truth of imbalanced Cardinal Archetypes – the Master/Slave relationship that has been the basic model of our civilization is built on a basic imbalance of Capricorn and Cancer – the scales are totally out of balance, and Aries-Libra is polarized – so it would be that outlaws and the law be at war, as a typical manifestation of that polar opposition.
Awake to the ontological zodiac being the 12 functions of spirit underlying everything, including ourselves, we can recognize a way out of this “uncivilization” – beginning with embracing the message that it seems (Tuth)Moses and Nefertiti/Smenkhare were trying to establish – communicated through symbolism, the message is THE END OF THE MASTER/SLAVE EXPERIENCE.
Let my people go.
It is not hard to imagine that a lot of the ruling class really didn’t like this very much at all….no, not at all. “Are they advocating for the elimination of the existence of a ruling class as it is? HELL NO!” So it was that Moses would be “reincarnated” as a leader whose call for freedom became “let my people go!” – who were “being held captive” by some unnamed evil pharaoh. We can conclude that this “evil pharaoh” was none other than the former Serpent Queen Neferneferuaton Nefertiti become Smenkhare. Evil – for what she intended. Who would expect that? The fact that a real person should be “reincarnated” this way as I have described reflects how much of a threat they must have been.
The most beautiful woman in the world, Isis – Nefertiti and Smenkhare – this is the “evil pharaoh”. Tuthmoses is transformed into someone who is separated from her, the patriarch of the Jews – Moses, calling for FREEDOM and an end to slavery. “Let my people go!” Reflections.....
Moses upheld the Brazen Serpent Queen when she decided to become pharaoh to make up for things going downhill with Akhenaton.
Last thing: remember that AWFUL movie called “The Doors”? That ruined the minds of a whole generation so much that if you ever mentioned the band – people would nearly always say “seen that movie?” Absolute horror. There was a scene that depicted the band doing peyote in the desert (never happened), and “Jim Morrison” (an impostor named Val Kilmer) said all this stuff about some big-ass snake, a monster of energy…..that you should “kiss the snake’s tongue” (serpent’s tongue?) We can finally conclude that it was the Vatican who wanted this movie made – for the “snake’s tongue” is none other than the Pope....enthroned between the serpent's fangs. What they made “Jim Morrison” say – supposedly having “spiritual visions” was something which actually translates as “Kiss The Pope”. Seriously. I hope it all backfires, for this is the evidence of how much of a threat Jim Morrison was taken to be.
For those who don’t seem to get it – Jim Morrison was “reincarnated”, because he was A THREAT for managing to get people to believe he was some incarnate Jesus. Incarnate! Rolling Stone magazine literally said of what Oliver Stone had done "he reincarnated Jim Morrison!" See? That movie was intended to be the "second coming" of Jesus, a film - KISS THE POPE!
There are people who want to believe that he was some CIA/military intelligence creation, due to things coming to light about a lot of fraudulence about the “counterculture”....which is generally true, actually. The Doors were genuine, it is the fact that when something genuine comes along that – it is so uncommon that people don’t believe it. Nobody else got this same treatment.
Jim Morrison got reviews like this:
"He stepped up to the microphone, grabbed the top with his right hand and the stand with his left fingertips, and looked up as the light hit his face. The world began at that moment. There isn't another face like that in the world. It's so beautiful and not even handsome in the ordinary way. I think it's because you can tell by looking at him that he is God. When he offers to die on the cross for us it's OK because he is Christ" - Kris Weintraub writing for Crawdaddy magazine
I'd get drunk.
Did he ask for that? No – likely, that outburst in Miami was inspired by thoughts such as “I’ll show you Jesus Christ”. YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF FUCKIN’ IDIOTS!!!! YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF SLAVES!! Etc. He was also called “the most satanic thing about The Doors”. Kiss the Pope? Being called Jesus Christ at the height of fame – a good reason to drink very heavily. Very, very heavily….I agree. He fell from grace, and – the second coming of “Jesus Christ?” A movie called "The Doors"-- they couldn't call it something else? Nope - it was deliberate, a really good band reincarnated as a shitty movie about a really good band.
Being able to recognize what is being pointed at in the "kiss the snake's tongue" dialogue, it seems the Vatican was concerned....and so the Bullshit God and his Snake-Monster of Energy reincarnated him like it was a second coming....did you see that movie? I bet Jim Morrison himself invented the "just a drunk" thing during the period when he was always a guy with a lot of cocaine in his boot. "I don't do drugs, just a drunk". Morrison's just a drunk, everyone knows that....let's shake someone else down. Blew up in his face....or would have, if he wasn't dead. There is a PATTERN.
That was the precedent to the “Passion of the Christ” and the upcoming sequel. Amazing, huh? Are you pissed? I hope so, but not at me. Be pissed off with me. Mel Gibson is crazy.
If you so desire, Tezcat Real is a studio band that is as interesting as this article. Would you give us a listen on SIDE A? Won’t you be my neighbor? Welcome to the crossroads of now, baby.
I suppose that “Jesus Christ Pose” image featured on the cover of “No One Here Gets Out Alive” didn’t help, but I think he was reading Alvin Boyd Kuhn – who explains that CRUCIFIXION is actually about the soul being housed in the human body, which is a cross. Crucifixion of the soul in the physical world.
The anagram of James Douglas Morrison is “I’m Jesus, Roman Solar God”. How strange is that?